Before your Appointment
If you use waterproof mascara avoid using it for 2-3 days before your appointment. The film it leaves behind may prevent your extensions from adhering correctly.
*Please come to your appointment with clean dry lashes and makeup free eyes. makeup removal fee $25
*Remove contact lenses
During the initial 24 hours after your appointment
do not get your lashes wet for 24 hours after your extensions are applied. It will affect the efficacy of the glue.
*Avoid steam from showers, facials, saunas and swimming pools.
*Avoid getting moisture around the eyes from showers
*Avoid tanning beds and laser peels and waxing around the eyes for 24 hours.
General Guidelines to prolong the life of your eyelash extensions
*Avoid oil based products around the eyes
*Avoid waterproof mascara
*Avoid rubbing, pulling and curling your lashes
* Classic lashes: Brush your lashes daily with a mascara wand after showers
* Volume Lashes: After Showers Blot your lashes with a paper towel, brush your lashes after it has dried.
*Do not attempt to remove the extensions yourself, Please contact us and set an appointment we will remove them for you. Cost of removal $25
If you experience any pain or irritation please contact us immediatly.